What if I am struggling to complete the Precourse?

The Precourse is designed to challenge you. Many successful students find they need help, context, or guidance while completing the precourse curriculum. That's normal.

Struggling is normal. Precourse is designed to challenge you. Many successful students find they need some help, context, or guidance while completing the precourse curriculum. Follow these steps below if you need help:

  1. Research your program by searching for the error message you are receiving or investigating the documentation of the technology you're using.
  2. Post your question on the #slack-overflow Slack channel, contact a classmate, or try Rubber Ducky Debugging.
  3. Join one of the weekly Precourse AMAs with a staff member.
  4. Still unsure? Send an email to precourse@codechrysalis.io. Once you have emailed, please move on to the next topic until you receive a response. If you do not hear back from us within 2 days, please send a follow-up email.